What is Telehealth, and how can a Video appointment help you?

Since we’ve had to postpone your in-person appointments, we’ve been seeing many patients via TeleHealth. It turns out that our pains, injuries and questions don’t go away just because we’re home more of the time! But What Is TeleHealth?

TeleHealth Physiotherapy & Chiropractic Online Visits St Catharines, Niagara OntarioShow & Tell us where it hurts!

TeleHealth Physiotherapy & Chiropractic Online Visits St Catharines, Niagara Ontario

Show & Tell us where it hurts!

TeleHealth is an appointment with your practitioner via video conference. Think Zoom or Facetime with your Physiotherapist or Chiropractor. Of course, we are using a more secure platform to ensure privacy, but it’s easy to use and doesn’t involve downloading any special apps or visiting separate websites. If you’ve ever booked an online appointment with us or received a reminder e-mail 2 hours before your in-person appointment, you’ll be familiar with JANE - our clinic scheduling site. (Click HERE for instructions and a video on how to connect). You will receive an Appointment Reminder e-mail from Jane 30 mins before it begins, and in it simply click the “Begin Your Online Appointment” button when it’s time. Done!

You can set up these appointments the same way you are used to: call us 905-937-7908 or e-mail proactivecentre@gmail.com to let us know who you’d like to see and when. We will book you in and you’ll receive a reminder e-mail from JANE. If you’d rather, you can book it yourself directly via proactivecentre.janeapp.com Simple, safe and can be done from home.

So what happens during a TeleHealth Visit? How can a Video Appointment help you?

You’ll be surprised how helpful a video call with your practitioner can be. First, we can assess or re-assess an issue you’re having, same as we would if you were at the clinic. It’s much easier to see you doing certain movements or tests via video as opposed to a phone call. Secondly, you can show us the things at home that hurt you and we can watch you do the stretches and exercises that are helping. Either way we can go through these with you to make sure you have the right plan to improve. Thirdly, you can ask us questions and we can review your home care, same as we’ve always done. Some patients are continuing a fitness goal (eg. return to running, lifting heavier at the gym) and we can monitor your program and make sure you’re progressing. Basically we can figure out the problem, and make sure you are avoiding the wrong things and doing the right things so that you improve.

Let us know if you have any questions about your first TeleHealth visit. We’re available, and we’re here to help!